
when my heart sings

When my heart sings...
listen to a bleat in sacrifice of honor...
like a cross over my heart, held in praise and in promise...
hear this...
a promise to remember...
never to forget my bloodline's trace... 
engraved foot-lines leading to a calling voice...
to embrace my place in the line of battle...
armored with light...
to be rid of my fright... 
please, hold me tight...

when my heart sings...
I smell the deep, crimson breeze of exhiliration in an encompassing blossom of fruitfulness...
I inhale sweet waterfall's of overflowing passions of joy...
I feel the release of my accompanied fear-filled tragedies...
I submerge into the electrifying ecstacy...
the poisions of my soul are bathed in antidote's of pure love...
the shadows of me are diminished with your crowning light...
granted with humbling graces of new sight...

when my heart sings as I pray...
to singe my ears with a bright, burning light...
let me hear your wise whispers lit by moonlight...
to wash my eyes with a spectrum of gifted foresight...
let me see your unseen scripture... your unwritten literature...
to see the enchanting streams of crystal demise...
let me lend you my eyes...
they are yours to ignite...
to resonate within me your words as we walk home to the place where I belong...
take the soles of my feet...
let me walk in your ways... 
to be tough...
not to stray...

when my heart sings...
my words are mezmerised tranquilities...
I have loaned abilities to transcend senseless trends...
I feel hypnotized... 
words seem like unjustified entities... 
to live these born dreams of sensational realities...
only you translate what seem like lost and found memories...

when my heart sings...
I feel a voice within me reign...
free from pain...
the answer is not in vein...
I feel it transpire from my skin...
I feel it strong and in my bones...
and then my heart knows...
yours is the place wherein my footprints through time begin...
because... for you, my heart sing...


Sharing The Light


"... the writer's pen is a microphone held up to the mouths of the Ancestors..."

This collaborative event includes some of Cape Town's most inspiring and talented performer's, in aid of fundraising for a traditional spiritual healer's graduation ceremony, being held in the Transkei in April 2012.

Join us for an afternoon of great, uplifting entertainment and a taste of some of South Africa's traditional amaPondo delicacies... Bringing the hills to the city; bridging the gap... All in the spirit of community and in sharing the light...

Featuring Artists:
Winslow Schalkwyk
Olivia Coetzee
Zinzi Voyiya
Natasha Adonis
Jodi Michaels
Thuto Moloi
Tarquinn Whitebooi
Kovin Ashley Chetty
Nokukhanya Davids

Pre-sale tickets available for R30 - gets you into the gig with automatic entry into raffle draw at the end of the event.

If you are unable to attend this fundraising event but would like to make a donation or find out more about this very special traditional, spiritual graduation ceremony, please find links below for group page and email address.

Contact Nokukhanya:

Thank You!...

amaKhosi! amaKhulu!



a prelude

Echoed across planes of land and sea; the ascending bellows of golden gongs resonate within our fruitfully tinted ca-coon of plum and tangerine…  Scents of new born dews creep into crevices and wash away the sands of lands between here and there; where horizons dusked and dawned sleep and wake…

Kept in the starry glares, deep within the iris of midnight's violet haze; lives ancient reams of mysterious maps...  Embedded tracks of those who have tread before us - unveiled upon a calling and found within a dream…

Amidst a dancing breeze, brews a silent storm… The crinkle-crack whispers of unravelling parchment, ribbon-wrapped in ancient streams, reveal cycles and ciphers of ancient stories; most forgotten and some untold … Fairy dust and fallen leaves are whisked up into a crescendo of whirl-wind-tango’s amidst tree-tops and crisp mountain peaks... 

Floating puffs; woven of multicoloured twine, weave between the sun’s rays and moon’s light…  A culmination in anticipation of breaking dispenses across the seascape of changing tides... Rippling currents enchant spirit's fire with each rise and fall of its watery coils…


Rustling leaves scatter and crunch as creature's scurry homeward bound…  Songs of birds are lulled into a gentle harmony of sweet-simmering silence... 

Ocean’s destined streams, are stroked with the first twist of the air and with an invasion of wafting scents - as fresh as a dew drop’s fall upon blooming lips … a sunflower kiss – accompanied with a whispering hum as a blanket of water drops cloak the soils and seas …  A blissful embrace,  sodden deep into Her core …
A tight, hugging embrace, of spiralling billows, outline the faces of rocks dwelling place… The void between heaven’s seal and earth’s crust is filled with a raging rush of adoring drops…  A cacophony of nature’s instruments elevates heart’s strings … Ascending into a breathless hush...

Flushing fallacies and sending surges of exhilaration in spirits delight of nurturing notions, written in the silver lining of dreams … A spectrum spawned in marinating anticipation, telling tidings of an awaited celebration …

A vision of new beginning with singing gasps of new breath… The stars hear a heart singing as strings are stroked gently to acquire perfect pitched melodies in new found remedy…
Revelling in spirit’s showers of synergy … 
Come what may … 
Come let us Be …

for Surah Rain Wolff


... seasoning reasons | reasoning seasons ...

sixteen seasons of change have been born and  lived…

sixteen seasons of change  has been her home – soulfully immersed and internally diversed ….
reversed …
de-versed of prehistoric old wives tales… menti-sental reverse …
un-crazed …
re-phrased …
soul-preparation begun for a new birth …

sixteen yester-years of sweet was her age ripe of fairy-tale dreams for travelling lessons to begin…
anticipating long-awaited  springs within her being’s wintery blues…
her destination unknown but hopefully sought for her life’s recipe seeking pure ingredients of Purpose and Truth …

and so for sixteen seasons her mixing bowl of bitter-sweet remembrances and embraces …  
sour tongue-cringed whinges …
salt-drenched festering abscesses…
rotting septic cavities doomed…
mixed and salivating for words worth more chew amidst all the choking hazy hues …
her soul-hunger for tasteful drenches of  new digestive filling views …  now bite-by-bite quenches her thirsty taste buds…
fed with love the soul food reaped from this journey for light…

harvested from depths embedded in ancient roots filled with truth, nourishing her wisdom tooth…
sixteen season of change …
birthing new dawns …
Dancing with new sun rays …
Truth and Purpose walk with new days …
youngling still searching …
but walking
and breathing …
seeing new reasons of change … 


pilot fish plea

I look into your longing ever-greens and see within your heart’s most pure demise …
Your crisp sweetness is lit with each awakening of your lifted brow …
Shining bright eyes … I see glimpses of new on the horizons of you …

I hear your soul sing songs of search …
Upon dearest wings I see these pleas up into skies of day and moonlight in seek of an olive branch upon which to perch …

My dearest delicate …

Your delight is a creeping vine of my journey’s plight …
For freedom within; our strength is required to acquire the power to bash boulders and build bridges; pebbles of new… our strife to fight undercurrents of our time…

These straps that held us taught are losing their buckling embrace …
With each new day we wake to face the might of this lifetime’s ever-changing pace…

My reverence in our shared compassion of new leaves turned and blossoming blooms yearn for our tables to turn and clock into a lifetime together; witness to and for each other … 
Held by forces that brought us to the door steps of one another …

Our chosen trip into this ocean of treasures deep… 
We knew not how these two dives will reside in the underbelly of the seas… 
But side-by-side we swim …

To keep these deep breathes of sanctity
Liberty …
We trust our life-giving forces …
Breathes of enduring strength and want to be - deeply we inhale belief that only good shall prevail and we will continue to indulge in these depths …
Exhale the toxins that keep the pollution afloat - ‘tis time for new sailing ships …
But first we must leave the boat of crumbling woodchips…

Your power that is to excite - let it lead you to ascend with your belief that amongst that multicoloured coral reef lays a waiting embrace …
They will keep you safe …

The plagues of our time within us are confined by our Plascon layered face … 
let the tides of change wash us clean to redeem this one-time voucher to claim this one true desire …

Within you lays a precious pearl … 
Release the lid and let light be for all to see this divine creature within...
Hear the angels call and let them serenade your soul to into a whirlpool of perpetual revel…
Let the waves tickle and lift your spirits high …
For the truth of you is exciting … delighting …

Sweet little bean sprout … 
Hold on no more to fears and doubts …
Believe that within you ability to attain dwells and anticipates your claim for home in the land of BE …


m o r t a l b e i n g - contemplations before we meet

the tickling brisk of sweeping whirl-winds that gently paint your cheeks with breaths of spectrum flavoured delight ...
offered by the 5am debut of first morning light...
glistening dew-drops born upon rosey crimson cheeks..
waiting to be greeted with charged brushes and good morning rushes transpired upon twin cherry tree's... 

mortal being not worthy of this sensational salvation ...

light enveloping breezes...
thrilling mystique in her whimsical fruitful revel...
rich with juices of a melodic waltz across crisp white mountain tops radiating synergy...
synchronicity between each heartbeat and Earth's veins of soul-enriching spurt's...
to feel the thriving endurance of cycles whence and forth...
within and amongst...

mortal being not worthy of this elation ...

with each embossed print of footsteps in time...
parallel lengths with difference in strengths held within...
hidden with doubt ...
feared by society's sour-kraut...
lighter treads through this passage of blooming sturdiness...
led with soul-singes of friery sparks fueled by peace and truth...
each bridge crossed and by forces of water beneath darkness washed away...
purification for true gain of illuminated elevation ...

mortal being in search of this revelation ...

perceived weakness in the masks that hide mistaken specialties and deemed as insanities by our drowning societies...
the invitation to parade that facade ...

mortal being revealed soul's proclamation ...

gifted with ultimate connection of longevity ... prosperity ...

call on strength for stronger cycles of enduring uplifting sprees in these blessings unfolded as lashes curl back and through windows play rays of reflection and refraction ...  true light saturation ...

call on courage to attain the handles to ascend heights in conquering debut's ... goals of reaching humbling peaks of mountain's journeying peaks ... 

call on the transformation into a silhouette of blue-bell stemmed blossoms ... to feel roots enriched with fertile soils  and drink cleansing waters fresh from showered blessings ...

call on blazing faith fueled by love... of all ... for all...

call on light to feel the heal ...

call on powers that be to assist in our abilities to see ...
trust the want to answer the call ...

free-fall deeply into ringing sensations ...
burning desires ...
skin-crawling liberation...
determination ...

mortal being ...
within lies grace of immortal liberties ...
revealed by truth ...
fueled with purpose ...
blessed with guidance ...
free from soul-taxes ...

hear gentle sounds of the pitter-pat rivers as they sweep clean and sweet...
upon which ocean-whisper's resound and reveal born dreams of eternal connection...
mortal body in fiery flow lifted by internal immortal gifts presented ... 

AmaKhosi AmaKhulu!

I can feel it ...
Can you?


pink cherry bubbles

... submerged in a chasm filled with tiny, air-filled, white pops ... 
... surrounded by gentle whispers of the trickling delight embedded in a blanket of waiting bubbles...
... careful and playful in their ...
... drip ... drip ...
... sssshhhhh ...

... the quiet serenade in exchange of glances between these two stainless-born soul's ...
... as a spectrum of pink-coloured silence in convergence of the yellow-glowing bubble that encapsulates their ...
... sssshhhhh ...

... the whispers of the sweet pink pop-sssss ...
... dictate a journey of the drop-sssss ...

...  coy tremors of these two infatuates of the heart and their shared unspoken whims of desire for the ultimate un-tangible to transpire ...
... pure of intent to wonder the veins of each other ...
... blood red passion for soul-connection ...
... each heart's beat in clashing lashes as eyes shut and lids anticipate ...
... a steamy streams caress ...
... drip drip ...
... tssss ...

... drenched locks and curls create a melodious lullaby in their release of tamed tapping-drips ...
... soothingly each trickle creeps carefully downward ...
... hugging each node and follicle gently; brushing over pores in flesh, sending  surges of serenity in elation of ...
... mmmm ... 

... untainted wet-ribbon-wraps impulsively woven through the fibers that hold them taut ...
 ... strokes of endearment as watered fingers traverse across the landscape of fleshy folds and mother nature's molds ...
... sssshhhhh ...

... each drop immersed into the pool of mystery as it pierces the saturated horizon and all that remains is a rippled plain ...
... echoed vibrations in virtuous un-singed sighs of release ...
... all the scars that remain - disappear with the fading resounance of the drip-drop-tsssss...
... sssshhhhh ...

... heart within heart sparks are a-flare ...
... unravelling cloaks of transparent hopes of please-remain ...
... hopes to earn the manuscript of this destined fairy-tale ...
... reveling in this pink cherry-bubble refrain ...
... the rain of selfless showers to regenerate cherry blossom blooms...
... sssshhhhh ...

... pink cherry bubbles ...
... drip drip ...
... sssshhhh ...