
in four seasons

Sweet pling-plopes of dew drops tickle the first-wakes of new born’s as dawn breaks;

Pods of tender and delight are held tight and out of sight;

Days succeed hours, counted by minutes, exhaled by seconds for this debut;

Timeously each petal unfolded and exposed to elements by clockwork of 
The Mother’s  Nature ...

From root to tip she is - at first bloom - embodied with light-year dreams and starlit hopes 
... her wish to fly to the moon...

Green sleeved stalks up and reach...
Roots extend and dig deep in seek...

Elements of change dictate her mutate to survive the tides rearrange;
To be held stead fast within her core; her never-ending search becomes more...

First caress of her neighbour’s too-and-from 




Sweet  scented serenades;

Teasing tips tantalize and provoke tentically; in harmony... peacefully...

Side-by-side they tend and grow;

Symbiotic synergy surges within and they find shared ground roots and soul truths to reach and fly ... high ...

This fate of everlasting dates remain as the inevitable rotate brings unforeseen forecasts of unpruned, dark day storms of prehistoric dooms...

Hidden returns of bitten and broken...

Choking weeds pest and twine...

This here forever bloom her endeavour to shed holey dried gloom.

Through winds of change; the white-struck shocks are painted in black floss skies...

Hurricane pains test and taunt;

Mere speckle seeks deeper and deeper her endured grace with hope is soul bought...

Relentless pours and thundering memories of Lost  leaves in pure gifted and once contented rainbow sprung haze...

Shared sun-glazed days and twinkling nights... 

Heart’s and soul’s once precious is now uprooted ... 

Wilted – there she lays...

Folded and remolded...

Thirst for flight from fields of frightening, fragile within this forlorn
She challenges the tormenting tussle to take charge and combat this transpired tyranny of anticipated amplified screeching nonsensical rage...

Extra terrestrial I reclaim my rotate of my three six five days, through my north and south to the sweet sovereign core... 

Internal dazes precede prehistoric axial days...

Intent to elate reopening of soul’s gates ... the grace only for service to you ....

Angels wings...

guardians sings songs of salvation... 


hearts peak... 

in beat.... 

pulse governed by let it be..... 

fly high... 

let it be me.... 


truth of destiny...


a time to meet

to the moon we ascend whilst heart's amend

and souls consolidate untied ends;

to meet once more light years away

this my sweet soul wished upon a shooting star... my childhood fairytales;

this accidental cosmic collision

returned in my dreams and illuminated with beams of no expectation this surreal vision

taken away on fluffed wings of  fearless trust

melodious lullaby's and float-me-by's

on our too and from swaying lazy boat ignited with hope

the delicate twinkle in soul's eye they see in one shine

sparks in delight of this twinkling's plight 

to explore from depths of core

sweet sensations and elations for truth in evermore...

she | between | her

Switching glitches provoked by past-life hitches

Main switch flicks up and down

Each pulse heartfully shocking

To the core throbbing  in cries of “please no more”

The want of Her – the life lived in a hazey due feels only pinches in redirected short-circuit phases

Lights out within the hearth

Her doubts and fears from heart chunks lost and endured past pains triggered by another’s  memories

Exoomed field filled with pits deeply dug... no longer hidden and snug in tombs of old told and cold

Looped records of unchanging melodies ... brings Her no remedies



r e l e a s e

frayed... fringed... tasseled... holding case

adorned with brass buckles to clip tight and hold fast all the contents of I.... this nutcase

compartmentalized for sanities demise

jungled Worlds between brass bands and lace-lined edging and curves

deep and dark forest within found beyond the zip-lock punch of  lip-locked whispers

top of the top - shades for blazed gaze.... 

eyes to soul..... covered with blackened lenses .... 


thought of as dark painted...


the severe truths absorbed and held at a distance

from red painted lips

and dusted blue eyes

like letters from a forgotten lover

ears no longer to hear the long before discovered

black-lined cheeks drawn by rivers of salt.... clinging on like a leach 

sweet sucked till my imploding red of life within becomes bleek

to turn inside-out

remove all fears and doubts

The Hold of the Cold


forever embedded

history for stories of hand held strength 

my time is now to spawn growth of light

this is my first class flight

here in these days of night

pure white.... I will find my moon bright