
a prelude

Echoed across planes of land and sea; the ascending bellows of golden gongs resonate within our fruitfully tinted ca-coon of plum and tangerine…  Scents of new born dews creep into crevices and wash away the sands of lands between here and there; where horizons dusked and dawned sleep and wake…

Kept in the starry glares, deep within the iris of midnight's violet haze; lives ancient reams of mysterious maps...  Embedded tracks of those who have tread before us - unveiled upon a calling and found within a dream…

Amidst a dancing breeze, brews a silent storm… The crinkle-crack whispers of unravelling parchment, ribbon-wrapped in ancient streams, reveal cycles and ciphers of ancient stories; most forgotten and some untold … Fairy dust and fallen leaves are whisked up into a crescendo of whirl-wind-tango’s amidst tree-tops and crisp mountain peaks... 

Floating puffs; woven of multicoloured twine, weave between the sun’s rays and moon’s light…  A culmination in anticipation of breaking dispenses across the seascape of changing tides... Rippling currents enchant spirit's fire with each rise and fall of its watery coils…


Rustling leaves scatter and crunch as creature's scurry homeward bound…  Songs of birds are lulled into a gentle harmony of sweet-simmering silence... 

Ocean’s destined streams, are stroked with the first twist of the air and with an invasion of wafting scents - as fresh as a dew drop’s fall upon blooming lips … a sunflower kiss – accompanied with a whispering hum as a blanket of water drops cloak the soils and seas …  A blissful embrace,  sodden deep into Her core …
A tight, hugging embrace, of spiralling billows, outline the faces of rocks dwelling place… The void between heaven’s seal and earth’s crust is filled with a raging rush of adoring drops…  A cacophony of nature’s instruments elevates heart’s strings … Ascending into a breathless hush...

Flushing fallacies and sending surges of exhilaration in spirits delight of nurturing notions, written in the silver lining of dreams … A spectrum spawned in marinating anticipation, telling tidings of an awaited celebration …

A vision of new beginning with singing gasps of new breath… The stars hear a heart singing as strings are stroked gently to acquire perfect pitched melodies in new found remedy…
Revelling in spirit’s showers of synergy … 
Come what may … 
Come let us Be …

for Surah Rain Wolff


... seasoning reasons | reasoning seasons ...

sixteen seasons of change have been born and  lived…

sixteen seasons of change  has been her home – soulfully immersed and internally diversed ….
reversed …
de-versed of prehistoric old wives tales… menti-sental reverse …
un-crazed …
re-phrased …
soul-preparation begun for a new birth …

sixteen yester-years of sweet was her age ripe of fairy-tale dreams for travelling lessons to begin…
anticipating long-awaited  springs within her being’s wintery blues…
her destination unknown but hopefully sought for her life’s recipe seeking pure ingredients of Purpose and Truth …

and so for sixteen seasons her mixing bowl of bitter-sweet remembrances and embraces …  
sour tongue-cringed whinges …
salt-drenched festering abscesses…
rotting septic cavities doomed…
mixed and salivating for words worth more chew amidst all the choking hazy hues …
her soul-hunger for tasteful drenches of  new digestive filling views …  now bite-by-bite quenches her thirsty taste buds…
fed with love the soul food reaped from this journey for light…

harvested from depths embedded in ancient roots filled with truth, nourishing her wisdom tooth…
sixteen season of change …
birthing new dawns …
Dancing with new sun rays …
Truth and Purpose walk with new days …
youngling still searching …
but walking
and breathing …
seeing new reasons of change …