
... seasoning reasons | reasoning seasons ...

sixteen seasons of change have been born and  lived…

sixteen seasons of change  has been her home – soulfully immersed and internally diversed ….
reversed …
de-versed of prehistoric old wives tales… menti-sental reverse …
un-crazed …
re-phrased …
soul-preparation begun for a new birth …

sixteen yester-years of sweet was her age ripe of fairy-tale dreams for travelling lessons to begin…
anticipating long-awaited  springs within her being’s wintery blues…
her destination unknown but hopefully sought for her life’s recipe seeking pure ingredients of Purpose and Truth …

and so for sixteen seasons her mixing bowl of bitter-sweet remembrances and embraces …  
sour tongue-cringed whinges …
salt-drenched festering abscesses…
rotting septic cavities doomed…
mixed and salivating for words worth more chew amidst all the choking hazy hues …
her soul-hunger for tasteful drenches of  new digestive filling views …  now bite-by-bite quenches her thirsty taste buds…
fed with love the soul food reaped from this journey for light…

harvested from depths embedded in ancient roots filled with truth, nourishing her wisdom tooth…
sixteen season of change …
birthing new dawns …
Dancing with new sun rays …
Truth and Purpose walk with new days …
youngling still searching …
but walking
and breathing …
seeing new reasons of change …