
... pffffffffft ....

{awkard silence} 

silent wofts from his and her whooopsie spots ...

...gasps! and ooopps ... 
silent but violent!!

discovered a new aroma  - not insence; not spice .... but fumez from the human device

 not so silent

blush-blush -
face red - 
faces flushed!!

OH NO! ... another sweet P0P; so unexpected! .... 

... giggle-giggle... hee-hee ...


            ... another -  HAHA!...      
 what was that?!

Oh body; why NOW!! ... we've kept our little secrets so well...

flesh invaded with crimzon shades ...

red red red

Flushed temples and urgent seek for invisible cloak to engulf her head...

The inevitable POOP of them - now Shared ...

He chuckles....

they stare.....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

expozed in this here tainted air and scarlet cheecks - flared.....                                            

the lingering, lofting, wifts 
sweetly and quickly; instantly; like a bang -  forgotten, as she and he and them no longer through rose-coloured glasses stare...

sweet love; sweet sounds from place thought of as profound... the anticipated first wind-break
so much at stake... 

but once the Toot and Flute have passed ... the next and another will fly by and they would have laughed... 

deep down inside; nothing to hide

so she and he indulge and divulge
with his and her's intimate suprize
freely aired and the accepted with care

basked in ambiance; like a sweet serenading dance

sympathetic; apologetic... but most romantic....

 .  .  .pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft . . . 
dont lift the blankets

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