
Because She Stands

... Do you smile at the thought of a first kiss between your eyes and the light when dawn breaks and night falls ...

... Do you smile at first glance of your futuristic dance when your heart skips 2 beats; and off-and-off u see yourself float on by; upon lily pads with your true life-lover that reigns within upon streams of encompassing illuminating joy...

... Does the scent of happiness tickle the tentacles of your forever’s bloom in belief that your soul can but rest in this field of blossoming pink yellow and blue.... The truth of him and her and them..... The strength to soar through and above expectation of a mysterious whisper of "am I dreaming?... awake ... awake"....

... Fears and taunting realities of his and her histories with lessons learnt in abandonment and crippling internal cold-war revelries...

… Surpassed by present moments; gifts of a-new….

… Time has now come to break through  yester-year’s inhibiting mistakes and let run the bloody tears of paralyzing fears and reclaim the power of “BE” …

… The insanity lies in the profanity that these stories of old wound’s leave us weak and limp... that shoulder’s become the carriers of baggage unseen … Martyrs of men and women over ages with maps of torn and forlorn engraved in their Soul-purpose to reclaim the prosperity of the inevitable sleeping beauty that lies within and waits….

…And waits ….

…. In vain for the release from this pain …

… These shoulders needn’t any longer be kept slaves of anguish and torment; for their Soul-purpose is to carry the legacy in the lessons of our tragedies and immoralities…

… To yield to the man that calls you weak when you bare his child…

… The man that rips your pure soul piece by piece in fear of finding his own …

… The man that cannot comprehend the unselfish love you give in the overflowing cup of first-morning-java…

… The man you called your friend while he deemed you a convenience….

… The man that sleeps and sits beside you encapsulated by quick-fix whims of incomplete desires of another and treasures tangible only by the soul-less that satisfies only within the instant passing seconds held by father time…

... The man to whom you sold your soul for a cheap backhand of dark intent …

… This man in his blinded demise; sees not the pearl within cracked shell that lies in the oceans deepest treasure chest…

… This man that showed you that through the thickened blackness you could see the light through the vines of fear that held you back…

… This man showed you that love reigns in your veins and circulates and regenerates through prayers of strength and courage…

… This man that showed you that you are capable to bare the most precious of gifts to Earth and Human kind…. The life of another…

… This man showed you that you are a Woman with the purest, unselfish love…. Giver of life and the taker of “come-what-may”… BUT today, Man …. Here she stands…

… Because she stands; she sees her blossoming possibilities of her new life that was birthed today…

… She no longer crawls on battered knees and hands to serve the dark-willed; her crawl was to find the light and to cleanse her sights for new and endless breathes in YES …

… Relentless she will fight to plant her new seeds of hope and faith and in her fields of endless probability….

…. Because she stands  - this Woman is her soul proprietor of her sovereignty and defined destiny…

... Because she stands ...
... she can conquer ...

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