
Good Morning My Sunshine

Good Morning My Sunshine...
Your with my sun and my moon ....
Beyond lunar plights ....
Your rays of delight never fail to excite the hairs on my toes :) {hehe}...
and tickle my noze at the scent of pure joy when I first awake .... and realize ....
My friend ....
My soul-mate ...
We've plunged deep into our honey crest of sweet tunes in giggling hello-i-love-you's ...

Good morning my sunshine ...
My rising night Sun - Man on the Moon ...
As the green of your soul's window's are revealed ...
Heart's elation can but paint our rainbow coloured dreams ...
And let weave our mysterious discovery into a lattice of inexplicable...
The forces that guide us ...
Mold us ...
Keep us ...
Protect us ...
Fearless surrenders is our ticket to ride and plunge into ecstacy of soul's infinity ...

Good Morning my Sunshine ...
May our day's passing seconds revel in excitement of come-what-may...
Today will be a Good Day...

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