
... A Name Is Born ...

... This poem written on 15.09.08...

... word vomit about inexplicable notions and emotions induced by a stranger in the physical world... no inclination of what it meant at the time ... these things induced within me unintentionally by this beautiful soul and in this stranger of the eyes as well...

... this man nameless - or at least name that did not fit or could not relate to ... so i dubbed him El Viajero - the Traveller and myself El Viaje - The Journey....

... the initial title of this poem - Perpetual Inevitable Serendipity...

...Twas but a single solid stare into that which sights on inner intent of I - the most pure of ignorant intent to sight in you the awe of the minds eye and souls breathe for each thump of chest, as beams of radiant energy of us are impulsively indulged with each and one...

... So childish giggles from the path not yet travelled before... the twigz, thornz, and brown-coloured crinkle-cut leaves are swept clean, and revealed - innocence, untainted delaria of elation in intriguied joy in a simple "be" ...

... Mine mind knows not wat lay ahead, my soul destined for its sole desire to be with an untangible entity of perhaps - yes please... more - lets float...

... Unwrapped sensualities in torque of "society", blood rushed; filled capillaries - voidz neva before discovered...

... A tear to shed for overwhelming .... overwhelming what?... Do my compulsive beliefs in YES; glasses half full blind to truths?... my heart, my soul tell me no... Such a force cannot be reckoned with - a force so unforceful it makes me want more...

... A glance, just one sbreathe, a stoke, a long deep sigh from the depths of my being... elation of a wordless speech to say to you... to explain what awe you fill in me...

... Each moment - sucked in wholey... the gaze you give sees but a accetate covered being... unclothed with intent to know truths that with you - knows no boundary...

...Yours in mine - savoured... a shared word, a laugh, red red wine... breathe of air my way... Being... held onto for that moment in time ... savoured... savoured... savoured ...

... Greatful for the next word, touch, breahe, and gasp of WOW.... how?... Yes - tis not a dream... or perhaps its a dream now come to life...

... Although should I wake now - the hope would be to fall asleep again into oblivious wakenings of endured realism in euphoria...

... Delarious in toes and tongue...

... Exposed.... Free ...

... Dance each step...

... Melodious steps in tune...
... Heard...
... And unheard...

... The objective of these ramblings are unknown... these illusive; almost incoherent words of soul's desires... and words not enough to say to you... thank-you... u being of light ... how i find truth of soul in mine own ... translated but truths of you ...

... Inspiring Being ...

... how have u happened? ... and where are you destined? ... for within my own - i feel in you ... stranger of eye... but mate of the soul... familiar yet strange and ingrossingly perculiar... welcome welcome welcome ...

...What is this mass that holds form and contains beauty of everlasting being... what is this soul's origins... and sweet serenity evoked within her... this girl; woman... experiencing liberation of self... breathe after breathe ... let her out ... free... free ... free ...

... To be in you and you in me ... theres no explainable philosophy... other than... what must be... must be...

... what is your title of physiche? ... tickle me pink ... emotion so unique...
...to speak in languages of afar... to let us be... will leave no scar...

... dear kind soul... lets embrace desires to inspire... and ignite sweet passions of internal fire... for you MAN ... annoymisslee she seeks... and waits patiently for sweet being within to speak...

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