
in silence and solice

... Inked words of old retold ... 

...waiting for sweet blossoms to bloom and unfold... 

...dew dropped in surrender... 

...no more poison sap to spawn in this unwelcomed pretender... 

...ground roots seek to creep ...deeper and deeper ... 

...core of soul truth ...

 In seek of my redeemer ...

...still waters run deep...

...but the hidden currents of dark always fall.... 

...over a cliff .... 


dust rising

whispered breathes in awe of unseen singes and skin crawl

soles of feet shuffle and brush-sh-sh...

doom doom the drums beat
claH! claH! claH!... hands in sync

rushes and surges submerge deep within to reach and call as they sing

...come into me

...embrace me

...show me

...my liberty

breathless highs of evermore sweet cries in 

"rise me up"

"fill me up"

sweet salty tokens in drops of perspired perseverance 

longing aching wrapped around my heart saturated with 

... yes please more

... home is my destiny

chi-kashing chi-kashing

humbled stomps in seek of my salvation to free me of this skin bound realization

vibrations resound through soles of my mortal feet and back up from the ground electricity becomes me

mine mind seeks soulfully  my being's immortality...  

eternity.... rise with me...

stitch me back

scratched at the surface 

scaled by whispered gusts of truths

twig snapped

bark abraded

veins exploded

beneath sheaths of rambled untold

revealed in the deep blue is the story held by you

mapped signs


all of soul's hidden and embarked

bring the band

stitch the cracks

new for you

i surrender my known

yours is now

as i am shown

woven heals

beyond these hills

i will come to you


one thousand words

the lucid truths of a rambling mind in unconfirmed letters by my own blind

as seen by eyes and interpreted by heart's ache's.... 
the pains awake and shake in distraught.... 
dreams become un-taught

instant switches of my human defaults and its glitches

profanity resounds in my crown and hurricane storms cloud my sweet sunshine in our destined and believed devine

infestations proclaim the disasters of yester years and her tears within the forlorn reign

induced by pictures of fears and perceived doubts

truth of hearts clutches and her rose coloured glass chamber 



no longer suckles but yearns to radiate the glow of truths flow

no more of these doubts in journey's path of purpose lined with sweet green 

bitter-sweet humility

and blue-bells of truth...

in my own i now seek for the nectar of these to sweeten my brow

and to pollinate through grace and race against the forsake of my perceived unfaith

true love lies in hearts cure ... 
prevail it shall these one thousand words of hurt and evolution of minds pollution will resignate in my Home's Gate's...


dusty tears

relentless peels off torn shields in this war for redemption... and cries in

... "Am i Truly the only?" ...

pictograms and unheard and unseen telegrams

to see is not the pain

to un-feel makes my tears turn into acid rain

re-ocurred baffles in this lottery of yours .... none are raffles in this match fixed losing game

my win is never due

but soul truth reigns in the agony with which I wait for you

sweet embraces of " I Love You"... long passed and overdue

sweet serenades and stares that lasted days within seconds embrace.... faded ... unstuck in my melted glue

no more untold stories of the heart with a soul hugging embrace...

only forgotten.... fallen .... what is this place?

if it be that for me and my eternity for this journey of soul soley traveled need be

free me of this self taught profanity
unless this be my true tragedy

...return to me...


we think... therefore ... we are ...

"Today is a new day"...

sweet surging sensations serenading subtly...
overtly... concentrated in commended consistencies.... 

evolutionary rushes...
tumbling wave formation breaking under my skin
two by two
and then
six by six

OH the thrill!!!
almost sensual but so untainted and pure in sensation...
tentacles tip-toeing lightly.... in abundance

If this be excitement...
Over-joyed expressions waiting to explode...
fountains of salty saturated streams - caress my plump cheeks

exuberant laughter .... vibrational rifts in the marrow of my bones...

If these be the fruits harvested of spirit
bountiful and blessed ... 
humbled is she...

breathing each breathe ...
endearing  with care this here met...
to return into this haze to glorify and make my days set...
no thunder and turmoil...

Only to plant seeds of good heeds in this here soil...


e c h o e s

can u hear her...

her ramblings...

stories old and foretold...


reams of unforeseen's...

she sits and creates within cranial cavity of this other being
hidden and never seen
her keeper always aware
seeking the switch to shift an un-voluntary schizophrenia
she suffers from tourettes but no one else hears her

she thinks and perpetuates
plans scenes from uncanny day-dreams
and recreates within mind-gates
unreal tokened play-dates with heart's dearest of mates

accompliment offered by a third running soundtrack
nonsensical lyrical fudge, she has no vocal chords to blast out these ramblings of the ongoing side-track

now these perpetual thoughts unravel and with these the keeper of the woman inside her slowly begins to un-stirr
new sights emerge with less and less blurr.

re-setting defaults within this titanium vault....
melting away perception doubts and fears....

losing inhibitions for the take-over of The Maker
releasing to increase the sensory devine....
echoed calls returned....