
dust rising

whispered breathes in awe of unseen singes and skin crawl

soles of feet shuffle and brush-sh-sh...

doom doom the drums beat
claH! claH! claH!... hands in sync

rushes and surges submerge deep within to reach and call as they sing

...come into me

...embrace me

...show me

...my liberty

breathless highs of evermore sweet cries in 

"rise me up"

"fill me up"

sweet salty tokens in drops of perspired perseverance 

longing aching wrapped around my heart saturated with 

... yes please more

... home is my destiny

chi-kashing chi-kashing

humbled stomps in seek of my salvation to free me of this skin bound realization

vibrations resound through soles of my mortal feet and back up from the ground electricity becomes me

mine mind seeks soulfully  my being's immortality...  

eternity.... rise with me...

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