
e c h o e s

can u hear her...

her ramblings...

stories old and foretold...


reams of unforeseen's...

she sits and creates within cranial cavity of this other being
hidden and never seen
her keeper always aware
seeking the switch to shift an un-voluntary schizophrenia
she suffers from tourettes but no one else hears her

she thinks and perpetuates
plans scenes from uncanny day-dreams
and recreates within mind-gates
unreal tokened play-dates with heart's dearest of mates

accompliment offered by a third running soundtrack
nonsensical lyrical fudge, she has no vocal chords to blast out these ramblings of the ongoing side-track

now these perpetual thoughts unravel and with these the keeper of the woman inside her slowly begins to un-stirr
new sights emerge with less and less blurr.

re-setting defaults within this titanium vault....
melting away perception doubts and fears....

losing inhibitions for the take-over of The Maker
releasing to increase the sensory devine....
echoed calls returned....

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